Vanessa VanCleave

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Who I Am and Why I Am Here

ImageA few years ago, I helped coordinate a 24 hour prayer tent outreach in the middle of our city during it's annual Fall Festival. The theme for that year's outreach was "Like Me" inspired by the hymn "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me." A local musician and artist (also my brother and partner in ministry) painted this picture and another with spray paint cans while people gathered to watch and we asked them how we could pray for them. I feel like it best describes who I am because indeed I am a "wretch", the worst of sinners saved by grace and faith in Jesus Christ. Song of Solomon 1:5 says it this way, "Dark am I, yet lovely..." When we think of how our hearts must look to God, we see images of darkness and brokenness. Imagine right now if you had to describe what your heart "looks like" with a word picture, what image do you see? Do you see lava spilling from a volcano or a broken-winged bird that was a victim of an oil spill? Do you see a desert or dry bones or broken pieces of glass? Sigh...I know, me too, but that's why I love this picture! This is how my Beloved Jesus sees my heart. He says it is lovely and overflowing with life, butterflies and flowers. Vanessa means "butterfly" and while I often feel like a caterpillar inching along in the mud and mire, I was made to fly.Who am I? Aside from the wretched-worm-made-beautiful-butterfly, I am a wife and mother, a writer, musician and teacher. My mission is to inspire, encourage and motivate others to spend time with God (prayer) and to find and fulfill their unique purpose. My life is about prayer, passion and purpose. I believe the world would be infinitely less hostile and ridiculous if more people had a personal, passionate relationship with Jesus Christ, knew their purpose and were equipped and empowered to walk in it. That is why I pray and write and speak and teach. And breathe, I suppose. It is why I started this blog. What about you? Do you know who you are and why you are here?Take action: Spend some time in prayer asking God these very questions: "Who am I? Why am I here?" Write down the response in a journal or on an index card to post where you can see it every day. Share it with a trusted friend.